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IOT Services

IOT Services

Transforming Data Into Intelligence Through Innovative IoT Services

The Internet of Things has penetrated all spheres of life, from businesses to households and industries. IoT is making the world smarter and better than ever by connecting everything and everyone. However, this is only the start. Businesses must understand the prospects for value creation and methodically solve the underlying challenges in order to fully realize the potential of the Internet of Things.

Purview provides adaptable software and hardware services that can function in any environment. Our IoT services for businesses are reliable, affordable, and incredibly easy to implement. Enterprise IoT and consumer IoT are being used by businesses of all sizes to increase productivity, get real-time information from linked assets, cut costs, and spur creativity through new business models.

How We Help with IOT Services

By integrating assets, operations/logistics, and services, our end-to-end IoT solutions enable smart industries, smart living, and smart organizations while delivering connected experiences. While we have experience with all IoT adoption stages to give you a seamless single vendor experience and maximize efficiency, we concentrate primarily on the following segments:

  • Smart Industries – Manufacturing, Energy, Utilities. Rethink methods to maximize the potential of your sector while promoting sustainable growth.
  • Smart Living – Wearables, Healthcare, Security. Embrace new technologies that promote a healthier, happier, and safer environment to improve the quality of life.
  • Smart Enterprises – Smart homes/ Buildings/ Offices, Retail. Utilize Big Data to connect people, machines, and information in a secure ecosystem to improve corporate productivity.

Our Offerings

Together with its partners, Purview supports the development of devices including IoT gateways, sensors, actuators, connectivity hubs, and modules. These gadgets play a crucial role in constructing the many components of a comprehensive, integrated IoT solution across decentralized ecosystems.

Purview increases customer value by providing Internet of Things Consulting for a range of IoT solutions and services. It also provides support throughout the IoT enablement process, from choosing a platform to enabling applications.

Code optimization and refactoring as part of re-engineering.

Testing services include regression testing, manual testing, and automated testing.

Use maintenance engineering methods such as creating new features, modifying products, and releasing updates and hotfixes.

Building a Sustainable Future With IOT

We develop multi-level data pipelines, ranging from edge computing to cloud data processing and data science, for driving value-centered IoT solutions.
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  • Tailoring the perfect solution for all your business